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Alaska Civil Rights

Generally violation of civil rights in the state of Alaska is dealt with in various provisions of the Alaska Statutes.  Discrimination based on sex or race in public education and general discriminatory practices are prohibited under Title 18, Chapter 80, Article 4, Section 18.80.220 et seq and Title 14, Chapter 18, Section 14.18.010 et seq of Alaska Statutes respectively.  The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights is the agency dealing with prohibition against discriminatory practices.  The Board of Regents in the state of Alaska is the agency dealing with prohibition against discrimination based on sex or race in public education.  Federal preemption does not deprive the Alaska courts of jurisdiction to hear cases of alleged employment discrimination.  Section 8.80.250 of Chapter 80, creates a private right of action to redress racial discrimination.

Any person who willfully engages in an unlawful discriminatory practice prohibited by this chapter (State Commission for Human Rights) is guilty to pay reasonable attorney fees upon the discretion of the court of competent jurisdiction.

Alaska Stat. § 14.18.020

The board, the Board of Regents, and each school board in the state shall
(1) allow no difference in conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring practices, credential requirements, leaves of absence, hours of employment, pay, employee benefits, and assignment of instructional and noninstructional duties on the basis of sex or race; and (2) provide the same opportunities for advancement to males and females.

Alaska Stat. § 18.80.290

(a) The legislative body of a municipality may, by ordinance or resolution, authorize the establishment of membership in and support of a local human rights commission. The number and qualifications of the members of a local commission and their terms and method of appointment or removal shall be as determined by the legislative body, except that a member may not hold office in a political party.
(b) The legislative body of a municipality has the authority to appropriate funds in amounts as considered necessary for the purpose of contributing to the operation of a local commission, including the payment of its share of the salary of an investigator or staff member acting jointly for it and one or more other local commissions.
(c) The local commission has the power to appoint employees and staff as it considers necessary to fulfill its purpose, including the power to appoint an investigator or staff member to act jointly for it and one or more other local commissions.
(d) The governing body of a municipality has the authority under AS 29.20.320 to grant to local commissions powers and duties similar to those exercised by the commission under the provisions of this chapter.

Alaska Stat. § 18.80.250

(a) It is unlawful for a financial institution or other commercial institution extending secured or unsecured credit, upon receiving an application for financial assistance or credit for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, repair, or maintenance of a housing accommodation or other property or services, or the acquisition or improvement of unimproved property, or upon receiving an application for any sort of loan of money, to permit one of its officials or employees during the execution of the official’s or the employee’s duties

Inside Alaska Civil Rights